
General guidelines

We recommend copying one of the Models that most closely resembles your needs and modifying it accordingly.

Use Templates to create instances of individual unit operations.

If you need to define new unit operations classes (or other elements of the library), then make sure they extend proper base classes.


We follow yx convention for shaping numpy arrays. In our case x is typically time axis (t) and y corresponds to process fluid species.

Simulation time vector (t) is a 1D np.ndarray. It should start with 0 and have a fixed step size. The same time vector should be used across the model (for inlet and all the unit operations).

Vector for flow rate f is also a 1D np.ndarray.

Array for concentration profile is 2D np.ndarray with shape (n_species, n_time_steps). In case of single specie, the shape is (1, n_time_steps) and not (n_time_steps,).

Single underscore prefix _ annotates private functions and variables which should be only used inside the class or function.

Variable names

  • t - simulation time vector

  • dt - time step size

  • i - time step index on time vector (t[i] == dt * i)

  • f - process fluid flow rate

  • rt - residence time

  • rt_mean - mean residence time (= flow-through time)

  • rt_target - target rt_mean at steady-state; typically used to determine the size of unit operations

  • v - volume

  • v_void - void volume; usually effective void volume, thus excluding hold-up zones (rt_mean = v_void / f)

  • v_init - initial volume of fluid in unit operation (e.g. if surge tank starts with 50 % pre-fill, the v_init `` = 0.5 * ``v_void; 0.5 could also be specified as v_init_ratio = 0.5)

  • m - mass

  • uo - unit operation

  • fc_uo - fully-continuous unit operation (accepts and provides constant flow rate)

  • sc_uo - semi-continuous unit operation (accepts constant flow rate and provides irregular flow rate)

  • surge_tank - surge tank (accepts irregular or constant flow rates and provides constant* flow rate)

  • pdf - probability distribution function; sum(pdf * time_step) == 1

  • p - probability distribution vector; p = pdf(t)

All names of the time dependent vectors or arrays are thus starting with f_, c_, m_ or p_.

Constant flow rate profile can be clipped at the beginning or at the end, resulting in a box-shaped profile.