

class bio_rtd.uo.surge_tank.CSTR(t, uo_id, gui_title='CSTR')[source]

Bases: bio_rtd.core.UnitOperation

Simulation of CSTR with ideal mixing

Target upper fill volume can be defined via - v_void : upper target volume - v_min : minimum target volume (if periodic_inlet == True) - v_min_ratio : the ratio between v_min and v_void (if periodic_inlet == True) - rt_target : target residence time (_target_upper_fill_volume = rt_target * _f_out_target) If v_void == -1, then the v_min is considered If v_min == -1, then the v_min_ratio is considered If v_min_ratio == -1, then the rt_target is considered If rt_target == -1, then the previous _target_upper_fill_volume is used

Initial fill volume can be defined via - v_init : init fill volume (_v_init = v_init) - v_init_ratio : the ratio between _v_init and v_void If v_init < 0, then the v_init_ratio is considered If v_init_ratio < 0, then the _v_init = v_void The concentration of pre-filled part is defined by c_init

evaluate(f_in, c_in)

Evaluate the propagation through the unit operation.

  • c_in (ndarray) – Inlet concentration profile with shape (n_species, n_time_steps).

  • f_in (array) – Inlet flow rate profile with shape (n_time_steps,).

Return type

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


  • f_out – Outlet flow rate profile.

  • c_out – Outlet concentration profile.


Returns existing flow rate and concentration profiles.

Return type

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


  • f_out – Outlet flow rate profile.

  • c_out – Outlet concentration profile.

property log


If logger is not set, then a DefaultLogger is instantiated. Setter also plants a data tree into passed logger.

Return type


set_logger_from_parent(parent_id, logger)

Inherit logger from parent.
