Source code for bio_rtd.uo.special_uo

__all__ = ['ComboUO']
__version__ = '0.2'
__author__ = 'Jure Sencar'

import typing as _typing
import numpy as _np

import bio_rtd.core as _core
import bio_rtd.logger as _logger

[docs]class ComboUO(_core.UnitOperation): """ A class that can hold a list of unit subsequent operation and present them as one """ def __init__(self, t: _np.ndarray, sub_uo_list: _typing.Sequence[_core.UnitOperation], uo_id: str, gui_title: str = "ComboUO"): # do not accept empty list assert len(sub_uo_list) > 0 # make sure all uo-s have the same time vector for uo in sub_uo_list[1:]: _np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(t, uo._t) # ensure unique ids ids = [uo.uo_id for uo in sub_uo_list] ids.append(uo_id) assert len(ids) == len(set(ids)), "Each unit operation must have a unique id (`uo_id`)" # save reference to list of child unit operations self.sub_uo_list = sub_uo_list # call super method super().__init__(t, uo_id, gui_title) def _calculate(self): # pragma: no cover """ This method has no 'flow-processing' logic. """ pass
[docs] def evaluate(self, f_in: _np.array, c_in: _np.ndarray): """ Evaluates all child unit operations. """ self._f = f_in.copy() self._c = c_in.copy() for uo in self.sub_uo_list: self._f, self._c = uo.evaluate(self._f, self._c) return self._f, self._c
@_core.UnitOperation.log.setter def log(self, logger: _logger.RtdLogger): """ Extension of default logger setter. Logger is passed to child unit operations. """ self._logger = logger self._logger.set_data_tree(self.uo_id, self._log_tree) for uo in self.sub_uo_list: uo.log = self._logger