Source code for bio_rtd.adj_par

"""Module for defining adjustable attributes of the RtdModel.

Adjustable attributes are mainly used by GUI in order to offer
responsive parameter setting.


__all__ = ['AdjParSlider', 'AdjParRange', 'AdjParBoolean',
           'AdjParBooleanMultiple', 'AdjustableParameter']
__version__ = '0.7'
__author__ = 'Jure Sencar'

import typing as _typing
from abc import ABC as _ABC

[docs]class AdjustableParameter(_ABC): """Adjustable parameter for a UnitOperation (or Inlet). The class does not provide any logic. It just provides a unified way to specify an adjustable attribute. Parameters ---------- var_list A list of attributes of a `UnitOperation` affected by the `AdjustableParameter`. v_range Range of values. For boolean set None. For range specify [start, end, step]. For list set list. If the list has two columns, the first one is the title and the second is the value. v_init Initial value. If None (default), the value is inherited from the initial attribute value (at the start of the runtime). scale_factor The scale factor to compensate for differences in units. E.g.: Setting time in [h] for attribute set in [min] requires a `scale_factor` of 60. par_name Attribute title (e.g. 'Initial delay [min]') or list of titles in case of multiple options (e.g. radio button group). gui_type Preferred method for setting parameter in gui parameters. If None (default) or the gui does not support the type, then the gui should decide the method based on `v_init` and/or `var_list`. Example values: 'checkbox', 'range', 'slider', 'select', 'multi-select' Notes ----- Technically the class relates to instance attributes rather than parameters. However, the term 'process parameters' is well established in biotech, hence the class name. """ def __init__(self, var_list: _typing.List[str], v_range: _typing.Optional[_typing.Union[ _typing.Tuple[float, float, float], _typing.Sequence[str], _typing.Sequence[float], _typing.Sequence[_typing.Tuple[str, str]]]] = None, v_init: _typing.Optional[_typing.Union[ float, bool, _typing.Sequence[float]]] = None, scale_factor: float = 1, par_name: _typing.Optional[_typing.Union[ str, _typing.Sequence[str]]] = None, gui_type: _typing.Optional[str] = None): self.var_list = var_list self.v_range = v_range self.v_init = v_init self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.par_name = par_name self.gui_type = gui_type
[docs]class AdjParBoolean(AdjustableParameter): """A boolean variation of :class:`AdjustableParameter` Parameters ---------- var Variable of a UnitOperation affected by the parameter. v_init or list of bool Initial value or list of initial values for each item in `var_list`. par_name or list of str List of parameter names. If defined, the shape of the should match `var_list`. """ def __init__(self, var: str, v_init: _typing.Optional[bool] = None, par_name: _typing.Optional[str] = None, scale_factor: float = 1, gui_type: _typing.Optional[str] = 'checkbox'): super().__init__([var], v_init=v_init, par_name=par_name, scale_factor=scale_factor, gui_type=gui_type)
[docs]class AdjParBooleanMultiple(AdjustableParameter): """A radio group variation of `AdjustableParameter` Parameters ---------- var_list : list of str A list of attributes of a `UnitOperation` affected by the `AdjustableParameter`. v_init Initial value for each entry in `var_list`. If None (default), the value is inherited from the initial attribute values at the start of the runtime. If specified, the shape should match the shape of `var_list`. par_name : list of str Attribute title (e.g. 'Initial delay [min]') for each option. The shape should batch the shape of `var_list`. """ def __init__(self, var_list: _typing.List[str], v_init: _typing.Optional[_typing.Sequence[bool]] = None, par_name: _typing.Optional[_typing.Sequence[str]] = None, scale_factor: float = 1, gui_type: _typing.Optional[str] = 'radio_group'): if v_init is not None: assert len(v_init) == len(var_list) if par_name is not None: assert len(par_name) == len(var_list) super().__init__(var_list=var_list, v_init=v_init, par_name=par_name, scale_factor=scale_factor, gui_type=gui_type)
[docs]class AdjParSlider(AdjustableParameter): """A value slider version of `AdjustableParameter` Parameters ---------- var Variable of a UnitOperation affected by the parameter. v_init or Sequence[bool] v_range or (float, float) or (float, float, float) Defines range end or [start, end] or [start, end, step]. If step is not defined, the `step = (start - end) / 10`. If start is not defined the `start = 0`. Notes ----- For more info see docstring of `AdjustableParameter` superclass. """ def __init__(self, var: str, v_range: _typing.Union[float, _typing.Tuple[float, float], _typing.Tuple[float, float, float]], v_init: _typing.Optional[float] = None, scale_factor: float = 1, par_name: _typing.Optional[str] = None, gui_type: _typing.Optional[str] = 'slider'): if type(v_range) is int: v_range = float(v_range) if type(v_range) is float: v_range = (0, v_range) if len(v_range) == 2: v_range = (v_range[0], v_range[1], (v_range[1] - v_range[0]) / 10) super().__init__([var], v_range, v_init=v_init, scale_factor=scale_factor, par_name=par_name, gui_type=gui_type)
[docs]class AdjParRange(AdjustableParameter): """ Defines a range slider version of `AdjustableParameter` Attributes ---------- var_list : Tuple[str, str] Defines attributed affected by the `AdjustableParameter`. First has value of the start of the interval and second of the end of the interval. v_range or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[float, float, float] Defines range end or [start, end] or [start, end, step]. If step is not defined, the `step = (start - end) / 10`. If start is not defined the `start = 0`. v_init : Tuple[float, float] Initial value [interval start, interval end]. If None (default), then the initial values are assigned from the initial conditions at the start of the simulation. """ def __init__(self, var_list: _typing.Tuple[str, str], v_range: _typing.Union[float, _typing.Tuple[float, float], _typing.Tuple[float, float, float]], v_init: _typing.Optional[_typing.Tuple[float, float]] = None, scale_factor: float = 1, par_name: _typing.Optional[str] = None, gui_type: _typing.Optional[str] = 'range'): if type(v_range) is int: v_range = float(v_range) if type(v_range) is float: v_range = (0, v_range) if len(v_range) == 2: v_range = (v_range[0], v_range[1], (v_range[1] - v_range[0]) / 10) super().__init__(list(var_list), v_range, v_init=v_init, scale_factor=scale_factor, par_name=par_name, gui_type=gui_type)